Ideal Candidate
- University degree in Economic Studies (or related)
- Experience in accounting, finance, or a related field would be a plus
- Fluent in both French and English
- Proficient knowledge of MS Office programs (Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.)
- SAP knowledge or other ERP would be an advantage
- Strong analytical skills
- Working proficiency and accuracy
- Collaborative skills and a strong team-oriented mindset including openness to knowledge-sharing.
Job Description
- Receiving and analyzing invoices from suppliers
- Processing and booking of incoming invoices
- Performing day-to-day full-cycle accounts payable transactions to ensure accurate and timely payment processing
- Obtaining appropriate verifications and approvals for invoices before posting
- Data entry in various applications (such as SAP, Coupa Treasury, etc.)
- Monitoring and clearing of open items
- Supporting month-end-close and year-end-close preparations in SAP
- Timely response to internal and external vendor inquiries
- Requesting and monitoring corrections of invoices
- Processing and follow-up of dunnings
- Netting processing - intercompany confirmations and compensations
- Supports the preparation of the training documentation for the AP process (systems, processing rules, exceptions, etc.), updating it with the new information received from the supervisors/direct manager
- Acts as consultant for other team members and is the first go-to person for operational queries
- Proactively identifies any issues or risks and informs the Team Lead, as well as suggests solutions
- Identifies improvement opportunities and proposes standardization and harmonization of processes.
Company Description
RO: TALENT SUPPLY este rezultatul a peste 15 ani de expertiză în recrutarea de profesioniști valoroși în diverse domenii precum Automotive, IT, Cercetare și Dezvoltare, Producție, BPO, SSC, FMCG, Servicii etc. Scopul nostru este de a deveni partenerul dumneavoastră privilegiat în recrutare într-un parteneriat de lungă durată și de încredere. Într-o nouă eră a afacerilor în care sunt necesare inovația și adaptabilitatea rapidă la schimbare, misiunea Talent Supply este de a echipa companiile cu candidați adaptați în cel mai scurt timp posibil și cu calitatea dorită. Instruirea și sprijinirea profesioniștilor pentru a naviga pe piața muncii este cealaltă dimensiune esențială a ceea ce facem cel mai bine la Talent Supply.
Suntem potrivirea perfecta dintre obiectiv si motivatie!
ENG: TALENT SUPPLY is the result of over 15 years of expertise in the recruitment of valuable professionals in various fields such as Automotive, IT, Research and Development, Production, BPO, SSC, FMCG, Services, etc. Our goal is to become your privileged partner in recruitment in a long and reliable partnership. In a new era of business where innovation and fast adaptability to change are required, Talent Supply's mission is to equip companies with tailored candidates in the shortest possible time and with the desired quality. Coaching and supporting professionals to navigate the job market is the other essential dimension of what we best do at Talent Supply.
We are the perfect match between objective and motivation!