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Account Manager

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDEAt least 2 years of experience in high-performance account management or Business Consultancy.

Bachelor in Business Administration, Marketing, Industrial Engineering or Public Relations is a plus. Preferably with experience in FMCG, food-hospitality or on-demand delivery industry.

Comfortable working in a high growth and high-performance start-up with a fast pace.

Computer literate; good knowledge of Google Workspace & Sheets

Excellent local Language and English skills.

Strong Commercial skills.

Good communication and interpersonal skills

Project management skills, highly organized and detail-oriented.

Problem solver, data-driven with an analytical approach

An empathetic, inclusive and curious attitude

Job Description

THE JOURNEYEstablish excellent relationships with Glovo’s partners through consistent and proactive communication, identifying their needs and building engagement (Partner’s meetings and business reviews).

Evaluate, follow up and build reports of your portfolio and KPIs periodically. Take actions to reach your goals and company OKRs.

Draw and execute plans, making your partners grow through promos negotiations, marketing activations and menu performance (selling items, AOV, Conversion Rate, cross selling and upselling) .

Ensure that Glovo has the best content by signing preferred partnerships with partners

Optimize Glovo visibility through marketing actions with our partners (using marketing kits, merchandising, etc)

Improve Glovo’s revenue through commission renegotiation and selling assets.

Understand, build action plans and follow up on churned and inactive partners.

Improve operational efficiency of our partners by making sure we always deliver the best service to our customers.

Actively collaborate with your colleagues and learn from each other in a supportive environment that allows you to grow, develop and make a difference
WHAT YOU WILL BRING TO THE RIDEAt least 2 years of experience in high-performance account management or Business Consultancy.

Bachelor in Business Administration, Marketing, Industrial Engineering or Public Relations is a plus. Preferably with experience in FMCG, food-hospitality or on-demand delivery industry.

Comfortable working in a high growth and high-performance start-up with a fast pace.

Computer literate; good knowledge of Google Workspace & Sheets

Excellent local Language and English skills.

Strong Commercial skills.

Good communication and interpersonal skills

Project management skills, highly organized and detail-oriented.

Problem solver, data-driven with an analytical approach

An empathetic, inclusive and curious attitude
Individuals representing diverse profiles, encompassing various genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds, are less likely to apply for this role if they do not possess solid experience in 100% of these areas. Even if it seems you don't meet our musts don't let it stop you, we are all about finding the best talent out there! Skills can be learned, and embracing diversity is invaluable.

Company Description

Glovo este o aplicatie ce ofera servicii de curierat la cerere si permite utilizatorilor sa comande, sa trimita si sa primeasca orice. Cel mai popular serviciu al aplicatiei este cel de livrare a alimentelor, serviciu ce permite utilizatorilor sa gaseasca si sa plaseze comenzi de la restaurantele favorite, mai apoi fiind preluate si livrate la usa de catre curierii Glovo.

Pe langa categoria de mancare, aplicatia cuprinde si alte categorii precum magazine, supermaerketuri, farmacie, bauturi, cu ajutorul carora utilizatorii pot alege in functie de dorintele si necesitatile lor. In plus, aplicatia ofera si butonul “orice” prin care utilizatorii pot comanda orice doresc, cu conditia sa nu depaseasca 9 kg si sa se incadreze in dimensiunile gentii livratorului, dar si categoria de “curierat rapid” ce permite livrarea de plicuri, pachete, documente, recuperarea obiectelor uitate acasa, la birou sau la prieteni (ochelari, chei, genti, etc.), in mai putin de o ora.

La origini, Glovo este un start-up spaniol ce a fost fondat de Oscar Pierre si Sacha Michaud in anul 2015 in Barcelona. La nivel global, aplicatia are peste 1 milion de utilizatori si 5600 de parteneri si activeaza in mai mult de 20 de tari din intreaga lume, urmarind noi orase in perioada urmatoare.

In Romania, Glovo s-a lansat in mai 2018 si a avut un mare succes, in primele 18 luni de activitate livrand peste 3,8 miloane de comenzi, cele mai multe fiind plasate pentru restaurant, supermarket si servicii de curierat. In prezent, aplicatia este activa in 14 orase din Romania, respectiv: Bucuresti, Cluj, Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Craiova, Constanta, Sibiu, Arad, Ploiesti, Baila, Galati, Oradea si Pitesti.

Ne extindem permanent, ne dezvoltam si ne dorim crearea unei infrastructuri de livrare on-demand pentru fiecare oras din lume, adaptata la cerintele specifice locale. Impreuna construim viitorul oraselor, permitand oricui sa primeasca orice produs din orice magazin livrat in cateva minute. Vino sa faci parte din echipa GLOVO!

Published Jan 22, 2025Updated Jan 22, 2025Expires Feb 21, 2025
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