4500 - 7000 RON net / month
Bucharest, Popesti-Leordeni
5000 - 13000 RON net / month
Bucharest, Bragadiru, Jilava, Magurele (Ilfov)
5000 RON net / month
Responsabil Mentenanta (Handyman) ARRISE
⚡ Electrician in Constructii Neotronix
ESG & Sustainability Consultant Build Green Consulting SRL
Consultant Vanzari NOVA PORTA TEAM S.R.L.
Necalificați pentru instalații termice și sanitare Regal Termo&instal S.R.L.
Montator / Tehnician in instalatii HVAC SC TIN LAVIR SERV SRL
Luxury Real Estate Consultant | Bucharest North Area ANG Luxury Properties
ELECTRICIAN intretinere utilaje - fabrica Fox Com Serv S.R.L.
Junior Fire Safety Engineer (4500 RON) - Remote Work Partnerd
Inginer Ofertare Începător ROM SERVICE CONSTRUCT SRL
Muncitor necalificat în Construcții Fair Play Construction S.R.L.
Reprezentant vanzari HIDROSTYLE SRL
Inginer Instalatii Siena Residence S.R.L.
Sef Santier Prepitech S.R.L.
Inginer constructii civile CCIA -Bacau INTERTRADE GROUP LTD SRL BACAU
Electromecanic - fabrica Fox Com Serv Distribution S.R.L.
Inginer Constructor Smb Solid Trust Partner S.R.L.
Tehnician sisteme de securitate VP SISTEM INTERNATIONAL
Tehnician instalatii sprinklere si hidranti SC SIVE-PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SRL
Personal administrativ LIGHTMASTER TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L.
Tehnician Frigotehnist CELFAR INDUSTRIAL SRL
Inginer Constructor - pentru intocmirea Cartilor Tehnice RECON SI DOJE SRL
Instalator pentru panouri fotovoltaice R.C.A. - Retele de Comunicatii Avansate SRL
Electrician Sc Art Electric Service S.R.L.
Consultant Tehnic Electro-mecanic Usi Tehnice, Industriale HSL SOLUTIONS SRL
Electrician-Tehnician retele echipamente electrice,date-voce CORIL IMPORT EXPORT SRL
Gradinari si personal spatii verzi ECO GARDEN CONSTRUCT
Inginer Constructor Structurist CITY CONSTRUCT LOGISTIC S.R.L.
Tehnicieni/ Instalatori curenti slabi-Bucuresti/Ilfov Primesec Technology S.R.L.
Muncitor calificat electrician RDD SECURITY SOLUTIONS SRL
Inginer proiectant retele hidroedilitare S.C. VEST INSTAL S.R.L.
Inginer proiectant instalatii electrice Global Proiect S.R.L.
Electrician / Tehnician montaj cu / fara experienta UNICOOL Instalatii Frig
Inginer geodez / Tehnician cadastru / Geograf BIMCAD INTERNATIONAL SRL
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