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Company Description

Since its establishment at the start of the millennium, Kamtec has introduced harmful exhaust gas reduction and high efficiency engine control technologies for diesel engines to Korea and has accumulated and improved technologies in cooperation with leading companies.

With technical cooperation between advanced businesses in the engine control industry, we have made a significant contribution to the domestic auto industry by developing eco-friendly and highly-efficient engine control technology, tailored to domestic conditions and at reduced cost.

However, we are doing our best to develop new products that will lead the future independently by recognizing that the global advancement is the biggest challenge to survive in the car component industry facing its growth limit in the domestic car market in which competition is deepening recently.

Moreover, with a belief that the perfect component quality, the highest needs of customers, also starts with an outstanding technology, our employees are putting their sincerity and soul on each product spontaneously, so we promise you to contribute greatly to the development of domestic and overseas car industry by being reborn as a leader in eco-friendly and high-efficiency engine control components that lead the global market.

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