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Company Description

DN AGRAR este un grup de firme ce activeaza in principiu in cresterea bovinelor de lapte si agricultura, insa desfasoara si activitati conexe de consultanta, management, transport, servicii, turism. Sediul central se gaseste in Alba-Iulia, Grupul avand si alte puncte de lucru (in judetul Alba, Sibiu, Hunedoara). "Scopul nostru principal este acela de a bucura consumatorii cu lapte de cea mai inalta calitate. In Grupul nostru activeaza, in prezent, peste 200 de angajati. Vrem sa sustinem in continuare piata muncii din Romania, mai specific in Transilvania. Ne straduim, ca impreuna cu autoritatile locale si cateva parteneriate cu universitati, sa oferim programe specifice de training angajatilor nostri."  

DN AGRAR is a group of companies that work in principle in raising dairy cattle and agriculture, but also carry out related consulting, management, transport, services, tourism activities. The headquarters are located in Alba-Iulia, the Group having other work points (in Alba county, Sibiu, Hunedoara). "Our goal is to let Romanian consumers enjoy the highest quality of Romanian-produced milk. We achieved and still achieve our performances mainly with Romanian staff. We want to contribute to a sustainable growth of employment in Romania, more specific Transylvania. In this way we want to contribute to the prosperity growth of this fantastic country. We try to achieve this by working together with the government, various Romanian and foreign universities and various traineeships with different subjects that can be followed within DN Agrar."

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