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Company Description

Coface has been helping for at least 70 years the companies by developing and contributing to their sustainability around the world. The Group, which aims to be the most agile global credit insurer in the industry, is present in 100 countries and has 4,300 employees. Coface advises clients at every stage of business development, risk prevention and evaluation, in order to take the best decisions.

In Romania, Coface has been present for over 21 years and is the only provider of integrated credit risk management services: Credit Insurance, Business Information and Debt Collection.


Coface sprijina societatile comerciale de cel putin 70 de ani, dezvoltand si contribuind la sustenabilitatea acestora in intreaga lume. Grupul, care isi propune sa fie cel mai agil asigurator de credit din industrie la nivel global, este prezent in 100 de tari si are 4.300 de angajati. Coface ofera consultanta clientilor in toate etapele de dezvoltare a afacerii, cu privire la prevenirea si evaluarea riscurilor, pentru a lua cele mai bune decizii.

In Romania, Coface este prezent de peste 21 de ani si este singurul furnizor de servicii integrate de gestionare a riscului de credit: asigurarea creditelor, informatii de afaceri si managementul creantelor.

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