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Company Description

Founded in 2010, BuildGreen was the first company in Romania to offer sustainable building consulting services and, to date, it is the leading consultant in the field of sustainable development and certification. BuildGreen provides the complete set of consulting services for the design, development and certification of sustainable buildings – from BREEAM and LEED certification services to dynamic simulation modeling, life cycle costing (LCC) and assessment (LCA), as well as full green building design support.  Having the constant goal to provide a high-quality and professional service for the building and construction industry, BuildGreen achieved an outstanding track record in Romania: The largest portfolio of projects in the country (over 30 buildings successfully certified to date) and the highest success rate in the market (all certification processes reached the levels targeted by the clients, all certifications had a minimum Very Good/Gold level, whereas 25% of the certified projects achieved superior levels – Excellent). BuildGreen also stands for the highest certification level ever obtained by a building in Romania – BREEAM Excellent.


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