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Company Description

AFI Europe is part of AFI Properties, a leading real estate development, management and investment companies, operating in Central and Eastern Europe since 1997. The diversified portfolio consists of shopping centers, business parks and large-scale residential and mixed-use developments. The group operates in Romania, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Latvia. AFI Europe Romania journey starts in 2007 when it started the developed of the biggest shopping centre, AFI COTROCENI, opened in 2009, a flagship project combining in a perfect mix 90,000 sqm GLA of retail with 5 Class A modern office buildings, AFI PARK 1-5. In 2013 AFI PLOIESTI shopping centre was inaugurated on an area of 34,000 sqm GLA followed by AFI Brasov. AFI BRASOV is the second mixed-use project developed by AFI in Romania, inaugurated in 2020 in the hart of Brasov city, combining 45,000 sqm GLA of retail with 25,000 sqm offices (AFI PARK BRASOV) developed in phases. On the office segment, after the success of AFI Park 1-5 followed AFI TECH PARK development of 70,000 sqm GLA in 3 phases (phase I- completed in 2018, phase II-under construction, phase III-future development). In 2020 our office portfolio increased with 118,500 sqm GLA through the acquisition of 8 office buildings in the biggest office transaction on the market, valuing 280 MIL Euro. AFI CITY BUCURESTII NOI was the first residential project developed by the company in Romania, comprising 190 apartments in phase I, soon to be followed now by a 4,500 sqm commercial gallery which is under construction. The company's future development plans include managing and developing all existing projects, finalize AFI Tech Park, AFI Park Brasov 2 and AFI City commercial gallery, develop AFI Arad commercial gallery and search for development options in line with its strategy. AFI Europe Romania has under management aprox. 300,000 sqm office areas and close to 175,000 sqm retail spaces.

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