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Descrierea companiei

Kautex is a global company with over 30 plants in 13 countries. As a Tier One automotive supplier, we navigate and accelerate throughout the automotive industry with ideas being put into motion by those who are driving the future. A pioneer in the design and manufacturing of plastic fuel systems for light vehicles - including hybrid vehicle applications - Kautex is expanding our portfolio to offer smart products. From battery systems for use in hybrid and full battery electric vehicle applications to autonomous  vehicle cleaning systems, Kautex is committed to pioneering solutions for the era of new mobility. We also know that sustainability is not just a word for us – because our planet isn’t better unless we can be better.


We offer an international, family-friendly, and diverse work environment in which you can help shape the mobility of tomorrow, with some positions offering flexibility in some remote work. Additionally, we have great career development opportunities in the field of new mobility with interesting and challenging projects, as well as various personal and professional trainings



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