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TV Service Assurance Engineer

Orange Romania
2 poziții
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Candidatul Ideal

How would you like to work in IT & Communication, toying with cutting edge technologies and enjoying your life? Come closer to #LifeAtOrange.
We’ll recruit you from the safety of your home and we’ll prepare you for our activity, which is currently running in hybrid mode.

What we’re looking for
As a Service Assurance Engineer you will be responsible for overseeing the entire Orange TV infrastructure delivering TV services towards Orange Romania customers. You will also be responsible to identify best monitoring solutions and optimize the way we detect and solve any incident affecting TV services in order to provide the best customer experience.

Education and experience
  • At least 3 years’ experience in a similar position
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Good written and verbal English communication skills
  • Knowledge of LINUX would be a plus
  • Telecom project management would be a plus

What you need to know/have
  • Very strong knowledge of broadcast and unicast TV services architecture:
  • TV services technologies (DTH, OTT and cable TV, IPTV)
  • TV Services distribution architectures
  • Content protection architectures (CA, DRM, etc)
  • TV head-end platforms operations
  • IP and optical transmission networks knowledge is a plus
  • Proven ability to analyze system issues, identify appropriate fixes and coordinate service restoration
  • Knowledge of content storage and distribution technologies: IP unicast, multicast, CDNs, DVB-S/C, IPTV, OTT, VOD. Knowledge of video back-ends, CAS, EPG;
  • Ability to quickly identify and troubleshoot incidents and propose action plans following root cause analysis

Descrierea jobului

What you’ll be doing
  • Operative interventions on TV services platforms and conditional access systems in order to identify and eliminate malfunctions that may occur and may lead to disruptions in customers service delivery;
  • Defines solution for monitoring multi-technology TV (DTH, OTT, DVB-C, etc) starting with the head-end and up to the distribution level
  • Define, design and provide support and implement solution in the TV Services area to cope with marketing requirements or technology evolution;
  • Collaborates and works closely with engineering department for new equipment integration or new components of the TV infrastructure
  • Responsible for Incident and Problem Management activities for entire TV infrastructure,
  • Support for validation, testing and integration of new Customer Premises Equipment in the overall TV ecosystem
  • Analyzes and evaluates the scheduled activities that have a significant impact on the service, together with the operations coordinator;
  • Analyzes, evaluates, solves and coordinates the resolution of all major or critical incidents that affect the availability and quality of tv services;
  • Identify issues and propose actions and follows their implementation towards closing the problems;
  • Defines operational flows, within the framework of Service Assurance processes, at the launch of new services

What’s in it for you
  • Performance Bonuses – based on your results & the company’s;
  • Loyalty Bonuses, if you extend your stay;
  • Electronic Meal Tickets - as you imagine;
  • Medical & Life insurance for you - facilities for your family, too;
  • #WFH & Flexible hours;
  • Professional GSM subscription;
  • Personal GSM subscription, also [because we believe in communication!];
  • Special grants on Smartphones & devices; discounts for Orange products & services;
  • Development Platforms - Orange Learning, Trainings, Career Counselling, Coaching & Career plan mentoring;
  • Wellbeing Programs – we support your Zen;
  • & more!

Come & work for a #TopEmployer company. You could be part of an organization where great colleagues and team spirit support your professional development.
Apply and let’s have a talk.
At Orange, you can.
We encourage all candidate profiles, regardless of gender, age, race, citizenship, ethnicity, color, language, religion, social origin, genetic traits, sexual orientation, permanent or temporary disability, nationality, political choice, social category or social origins, situation or family responsibility, belonging to a disadvantaged category, membership or trade union activity.

Descrierea companiei

Orange este Liderul pieței de Telecomunicații Mobile din România. La nivel mondial, Orange Group este un furnizor important de servicii IT și telecomunicații pentru companii multinaționale din 220 de țări și teritorii.

Orange România este o companie certificată #TopEmployer, fiind recunoscută pentru condițiile excelente pe care le oferă angajaților.

La Orange, plasăm oamenii în centrul a tot ceea ce facem, în același mod în care responsabilitatea noastră socială și de mediu este esențială pentru strategia noastră. Deoarece echipele noastre sunt cel mai mare atu al nostru și pentru că operăm într-un sector în continuă evoluție, ne asigurăm că experiența angajaților noștri este una cât mai cuprinzătoare și mai plăcută, aliniată cu experiența pe care o oferim clienților noștri.

Bazându-ne pe strategia noastră corporativă și pe angajamentele noastre, suntem astăzi unul dintre principalii furnizori de servicii de telecomunicații și servicii digitale.

Brandul Orange a fost creat pentru a simplifica comunicarea umană, aducând astfel valoare comunităților în care activează.

Suntem o companie digitală care construiește viitorul conexiunii umane - Orange este ceea ce suntem și ceea ce facem, în fiecare zi.

Dacă vrei să contribui la experiența Orange, să fii parte dintr-o echipă sclipitoare și să beneficiezi de avantajele unui Angajator de Top, urmărește oportunitățile de carieră și înregistrează-te cu propriul tău cont pe Chiar dacă job-ul pe care îl cauti nu e deschis în prezent, având un cont activ la Orange, vei putea fi informat la timp despre noile oportunități.

Ți-ar placea să știi mai multe despre viața la Orange?

Te așteptăm pe!

Publicat 27 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 27 Febr. 2025Expiră 29 Mart. 2025
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