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Procurement Specialist with Italian - ON SITE

S.C. Fire Credit S.R.L.
1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal


• Secondary/Advanced technical or economic studies;
• Very good knowledge of the MS Office pack (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);
• English language - advanced level;
• Italian language - advanced level;
• Knowledge of the commercial transactions’ regulations;
• Trade abilities with the suppliers;
• Strong problem solving, organizational and management skills;
• Abilities for teamwork.

Descrierea jobului


• Defines purchasing strategies, with responsibility for managing cost reduction actions;
• Participates in the negotiation with ︁︀​︂︃︃​︇︉​︆︄the reference suppliers, negotiating prices and defining the purchase conditions;
• Collaborates and offers support to the various company departments for investments and services;
• Makes forecasts of out-of-stock times and necessary replenishment of stocks and plans a periodic schedule of purchase orders;
• Analyzes offers from a commercial point of view;
• Participates in the selection of suppliers in the assigned sectors by submitting proposals to this effect;
• Executes the framework contracts with the main suppliers and punctual orders with the other internal suppliers from the assigned fields;
• Performs the contractual correspondence with the assigned suppliers and monitors the fulfillment of the clauses provided for in the contracts;
• Contributes to the creation and maintenance of the database relating to the activity performed;
• Informs the supplier and monitors the resolution of non-conformities in procurement;
• Prospects the market for profiles and the acquisition / delivery conditions in order to continuously optimize stocks;
• Applies the company's principles and policies in the field of procurement, defends the company's interests in any situation and promotes its image.


• Fixed salary;
• Private health insurance;
• Meal tickets.

Descrierea companiei

Intr-o lume a nesigurantei, a crizelor economice si a abandonului in afaceri, Fire Credit ofera clientilor sai o ancora bazata pe solutii financiare flexibile si echitabile. Un triunghi al eficientei, in care cuvintele de ordine sunt: ECHILIBRU – ENERGIE – EXEMPLU Fire Credit este parte a Grupului Fire, liderul italian in sectorul managementului recuperarilor de creante. Cu 7 filiale, peste 2.300 de angajati, avocati si agenti de recuperare telefonica destinati spatiului european, grupul italian Fire s-a facut remarcat, din 1992, prin performanta si respect pentru reputatia partenerilor sai. Dovada cea mai buna o reprezinta portofoliul nostru de clienti, format in cea mai mare parte din reprezentanti de marca din sectoarele financiar-bancar, telecomunicatii, servicii de utilitati si retail. Nume de top ale economiei europene si-au incredintat blazonul, istoria si reputatia Grupului Fire. Fire Credit a reprezentat pasul firesc in strategia de extindere a serviciilor Grupului Fire in Europa de Est. Nu intamplator a fost ales Iasul, ca principal centru cultural si academic, dar si important nod economic la granita de est a Uniunii Europene. Din 2011, de la crearea biroului din Romania, echipa Fire Credit s-a extins in permanenta, reusind astfel sa raspunda prompt partenerilor nostri de pe intreg teritoriul tarii.

Publicat 7 Oct. 2024 Reactualizat 14 Oct. 2024 Expiră 6 Nov. 2024
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