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.NET Software Developer for MES (with French)

1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

  • Bachelor/MS of Computer Science / Engineering or equivalent exposure to the IT industry
  • 1-2 years work experience on factory MES, automation and process control systems in a manufacturing environment
  • Knowledge of cross-platform and cross-browser web development, constraints and issues
  • Functional knowledge in any of the following: Production, Quality, Maintenance, Inventory
  • Experienced in using and maintaining RDBMS like Oracle, SQL
  • Practical experience in software development using ASP.NET
  • Front-End Web-Development skills with strong focus on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX
Automation knowledge like SCADA or PLC is considered a plus
Previous project experience involving Development, Configuration, Implementation for different manufacturing industries is considered a plus
Fluency in French and English

Descrierea jobului

Working in Accenture Industry X exposes you to cutting-edge technologies and provides you with various skills and expertise in digital transformation. You will have to:
  • Solve incidents
  • Get familiar with one or more MES solutions provided by our partners
  • Development, configuration, testing and deployment of the MES solution
  • Write well-designed, testable, efficient code
  • Short-term project based business travel when required

Descrierea companiei

We are futurists, ambitiously building the next industrial revolution.

We are enthusiastic innovators looking to transform the future of industry and deliver profound change for clients. Smart, connected digital technologies are driving new sources of growth for clients— and for colleagues, as they continually renew and reinvent their skills.

We are visionary innovators

We think the best work in software development can only come from people who love nothing more than spending every minute thinking about it. And working on it. We work with any programming languages, as long as they are the best fit for our requirements.

That means you might need to learn something new, all the time. That’s who we are.

We are a curious and dedicated team

We may have different expertise and work on different projects, but we are all on the same team, with only one goal on our minds—to keep leveling up and building something useful for the world. Internal training is a big part of our lives, so everyone has the opportunity to learn and to teach.

We are inclusive and empowering

We celebrate diversity and we are all about the freedom to be who we are as individuals. At the same time, it is also important to us that we’re working well together and doing great work as a team.

About Industry X.0, Accenture

We are part of Accenture, a leading global professional services company, with more than 492,000 employees around the world, across 56 countries and 120 cities.

Accenture Industry X.0 Romania helps clients digitally transform their business through smart, connected and living technologies that will increase agility and innovation.

To find out more about Accenture visit our Facebook and our website:;

Publicat 21 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 4 Mart. 2025Expiră 10 Mart. 2025
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