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Legal Advisor (with gambling experience)

1 poziție
Anunț în curs de verificare

Candidatul Ideal

- Proper legal education;
- English at least B1
- Experience in legal work on a speciality from 1 year;
︂︇︋︈︁︁︁︃​︋︄︄︎​︁︁︎︍​︋️︍︂​︊︂︁︈︄︁︁︆︆︇︃︌- Knowledge of the basics of EU legislation in: civil, tax, administrative, labour, and corporate law;
- Experience in legal DD and contract drafting;
- Experience of legal services in: software development, e-marketing, e-gambling, and personal data protection - will be a significant advantage;
- Ability to quickly analyze which related legislation is applicable;
- Communication skills, openness, friendliness.

Descrierea jobului

- Description definition and drafting of contracts/agreements with counterparties, mainly English (software delivery, contracting, services, marketing agreements, license agreements, etc.);
- ︈︂​︇︉​︂︃︂​︃︇Discussion with counterparties of legal terms of contracts, drafting of disagreement records, reasoning of legal opinions on related objectives;
- Defining tasks for legal assistance providers (in-house or/and external providers);
- Drafting letters and claims, including documents for government agencies courts; handling incoming correspondence;
- Pre-claims, claims processing with legal teams of counterparties;
- Cooperation with related structural divisions of the team, responding to incoming legal requests, etc. (HR, accounting and finance, IT, marketing, etc.);
- Fulfilment of other head assignments within the scope of his competencies.

Descrierea companiei

Deep Games SRL is a dynamic and innovative company specializing in the iGaming industry. With a focus on delivering top-tier online gaming experiences, Deep Games SRL operates multiple projects that cater to a global audience of players seeking engaging and immersive gameplay. The company leverages cutting-edge technology to create user-friendly platforms that are both secure and scalable, ensuring an exceptional experience for users.

Publicat 3 Mart. 2025Reactualizat 3 Mart. 2025Expiră 2 Apr. 2025
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