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Junior Relationship Manager - Centrala

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Candidatul Ideal

Ce te recomanda?

Studiile superioare, de preferinta economice;
Experienta bancara de minim 1 an;
Cunostinte operare PC;
Cunostinte medii de limba engleza;
Interesul de a creste si a te dezvolta in domeniul bancar;
Abilitati foarte bune de comunicare, relationare.

Descrierea jobului

Ce vei face?
Vei face analiza de baza a dosarelor de creditare;
Vei oferi suportul sucursalelor pentru rezolvarea problemelor zilnice aparute;
Vei sprijini activitatea managerilor de marketing din sucursale atunci cand este necesar;
Vei dezvolta relatia cu clientii existenti;
Vei analiza solicitarile clientilor si performanta financiara a acestora;
Vei intocmi rapoarte specific activitatii departamentului.

Va multumim si asteptam cu interes aplicatiile voastre!
Toate aplicatiile primite vor fi tratate cu confidentialitate. Doar candidatii selectati vor fi contactati pentru un interviu, restul de aplicatii fiind pastrate in baza de date CREDIT EUROPE BANK pentru oportunitati viitoare.

Descrierea companiei

Each step, each client and banking operation brought us closer to an important milestone in our career: we have recently celebrated 20 years of activity on the Romanian market.

We were present on the financial market ever since 1993, as Banca de Credit Industrial si Comercial. In 2000 we rebranded ourselves as Finansbank, to later become - in 2007 - Credit Europe Bank. In Romania we provide a broad range of products and services for approximately 500.000 individuals, SME's and companies, across a network of 65 branches, agencies and work points, as well as through alternative distribution channels: ATM's, POS's, Internet and Phone Banking.

We grew up, improved ourselves and irrespective of our name we had a single aim: to offer banking products and services that best match our clients' needs. For this purpose, whether for SME's, large companies or individuals, we had put at work new banking models, novel technologies as well as the will to be of assistance, to keep close to our clients and their businesses.

As part of the Dutch financial Group Credit Europe NV we strive to provide experience, competence and innovation - as the true recognition of our products and services' value is given by those who use them.

This recognition is also enjoyed by CardAvantaj, a name that bears a special significance for us. More than 10 years ago this brand introduced, for the first time in Romania, a payment instrument with zero interest rate, easy to understand, easy to use. Since its introduction on the market, CardAvantaj made over 300,000 friends, clients that made good use of it, finding the best solutions within a network of tens of thousands of merchant partners - the most extensive in Romania. During all this time CardAvantaj did its outmost to fulfill the promise made to clients, by continuously providing innovative features and benefits.

There are new ideas to come; we are preparing fresh new projects - stay close to us!
Publicat 12 Oct. 2016Reactualizat 12 Nov. 2016Expiră 12 Nov. 2016
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