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Coordonator Medical Centre de Dializa- Medic Nefrolog

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Candidatul Ideal

Pentru clientul nostru, companie multinationala farmaceutica de renume, suntem in cautarea unui Coordonator Medical-Operational/ Medic Nefrolog, care sa asigure monitorizarea si buna functionare a activitatii medicale in centrele de dializa ale companiei.

Locatie: Bucuresti
Rolul presupune disponibilitatea pentru delegatii frecvente in tara, evenimente si congrese medicale
Subordonare: Director Medical Operational
In subordine: Medic Sef – centre de dializa

Descrierea jobului

  • Monitorizarea respectarii procedurilor de tratament si ingrijire medicala, in vederea unei optimizari continue, in conditii de calitate si cost-eficienta;
  • Monitorizarea proceselor de colectare a datelor clinice/ paraclinice in centrele de dializa, incluzand analiza si procesarea datelor, pentru a veni in sprijinul strategiei de business;
  • Ofera suport centrelor de dializa in zona activitatilor operational-medicale;
  • Monitorizeaza realizarea indicatorilor medicali de performanta si imbunatatirea continua a acestora, sub indrumarea Managerului Medical si suportul echipelor medicale din centrele de dializa;
  • Monitorizeaza obiectivele stabilite pentru centrele de dializa (tratamente), impreuna cu Directorul Medical ;
  • Participa la procesele de recrutare interne;
  • Participa la monitorizarea si eficientizarea costurilor privind materialele medicale si medicamentele pentru dializa;
  • Participa la intorcmirea fiselor de evaluare profesionala periodica a medicilor sefi din centrele de dializa, impreuna cu Managerul medical;

  • Studii superioare medicale- minim medic specialist nefrolog/ rezident;
  • De preferat minim 3 ani experienta intr-o pozitie similara- rolul presupune o etapa de invatare alaturi de Managerul Operational, care se asigura direct de formarea pe rol;
  • Engleza- nivel mediu;
  • Cunostinte operare PC/ Excel si PowerPoint nivel avansat;
  • Responsabilitate si incredere;
  • Abilitati avansate de planificare si organizare;
  • Gandire strategica;
  • Abilitati de coordonare si organizare a echipelor;

Se ofera:
  • Oportunitatea de dezvoltare si formare profesionala alaturi e o companie multinationala de renume in lumea nefrologica, cu participarea la diferite programe de formare si dezvoltare organizate de catre companie;
  • Oportunitate de dezvoltare alaturi de specialisti de renume in aria nefrologica;
  • Oportunitate de avansare ierarhica in cadrul grupului;
  • Pachet salarial motivant;

Descrierea companiei

As the world leading specialist in recruitment and workplace solutions, we empower people and organisations to succeed – now and always.

We’ve come a long way in 55 years, growing from a small office in London into a global organisation that matches the right talent to the right jobs across over 20 industries in the public and private sectors worldwide.

Our scale and experience combined with our drive to continuously improve and understand the people and organisations we serve arm us with knowledge that we put into action in everything we do. We deliver better, faster and more cost-effective access to talent that adapts as markets and workforce strategies evolve, providing permanent and contingent solutions to organisations around the world.

As a people-first organisation, we empower talented people in their career journeys, helping them land the job or project that matches their skills and aspirations. We work as trusted advisors who guide talent in fulfilling their potential in an ever changing world of work.

We are Hays Romania

Hays Romania is a part of Hays plc, the world’s leading company in recruiting qualified, professional and skilled work. Having launched our first office in Bucharest in 2015, we are proud to have grown into one of the leading specialist recruitment companies in Romania. We are here to empower people and businesses to succed.

We build lifelong partnerships

Millions of relationships are formed and nurtured by Hays consultants, which sit at the heart of our business.

Our consultants offer invaluable advice and insights, combined with unrivalled services and access to top talent that helps organisations confidently navigate the new era of work. Organisations, large or small, or professionals looking for their next career move, we accompany them in every step of the way, working for and with them to understand where they want to get and how to get them there.

- Customer rating for the service quality: 4,4/5 - More than 7 million followers on LinkedIn - More than 50 years international experience

We think beyond

We consider every challenge from every angle to find future-proof answers to complex challenges.

Our holistic workforce know-how enables us to provide insights and expertise on issues organisations and professionals face today and help them make the right decisions for tomorrow.

The balance, breadth and scale of our business is unique in the world of specialist recruitment, making our business resilient to today’s fast-changing and ever-evolving world of work.

Within our portfolio of services, we work on contract based, high-volume recruitment for our larger clients, as well as one-off placements for SMEs and global multinationals.

Our services include:

Permanent Recruitment IT Contracting Recruitment Advisory services​ (Talent mapping, Tailor made Salary Guides, etc.) Recruitment Process Outsourcing​ Managed Service​ Direct sourcing​ Volume hiring projects​​

Industries we recruit for in Romania:

Accountancy & Finance Business Services Construction & Property Engineering & Manufacturing Human Resources Life Sciences Sales & Marketing Technology

We do the right thing

Placing our customers at the centre of what we do, we act in the best interest of the organisations and talented people who place their trust in us, and the communities we live and work in.

Through our Helping for your tomorrow initiative, we are committed to putting our expertise to good use and help create a better future for all. We partner with non-profit organisations and offer our employees one day of paid leave per calendar year to volunteer.

Looking for more information? Visit our local website.

Publicat 29 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 28 Febr. 2025Expiră 28 Febr. 2025
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