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Administrative Assistant

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Candidatul Ideal

  • Ability to organize, structure and prioritize a wide range of tasks in an efficient and proactive way
  • Good time management skills
  • Ability to multi-task, handle tasks with a flexible, proactive and self-directed approach to work
  • Experience in coordination of external stakeholder meetings and visits
  • Team player qualities who can also work independently
  • A flexible, positive and inclusive mindset
  • Strong problem-solving and decision-making skills with great attention to detail
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Romanian
  • Superior level of integrity, professionalism and confidentiality
  • Strong social competence and networking skills
  • Service-oriented attitude
  • Modern practical communication and digital skills and fluent knowledge of Office 365
  • Strong drive for continuous improvement and a determination to finalize tasks on time with a high-quality mindset

Descrierea jobului

  • Provide comprehensive support to management team by handling diverse responsibilities and challenges.
  • Manage the scheduling of appointments and meetings ︁︀​︂︃︃​︁︂︇​︁︂︈and ensure that the calendars are up to date.
  • Event management
  • Expenses and travel bookings
  • Practical meeting arrangements in terms of scheduling and space arrangements, preparation of meeting and presentation materials
  • Collaborate with all levels of the organization, including executives, peers, as well as internal teams and external vendors
  • Office duties such as sourcing office supplies and handling the filing system
  • Wide variety of support duties

Descrierea companiei

Suntem cel mai nordic producător de anvelope din lume. Originea noastră finlandeză este fundația pe care am construit echipa globală Nokian Tyres. Îți oferim un loc sigur în care să lucrezi și să evoluezi, ca un adevărat pionier al meseriei tale. De la prima anvelopă de iarnă în 1934 și până la prima unitate de producție cu zero emisii de CO2 din lume în 2024 – Siguranța este o provocare demnă de o echipă curajoasă. Vino alături de Nokian Tyres! Împreună facem călătoriile mai sigure, generație cu generație!

We are the world's northernmost tire manufacturer. Our Finnish origins are the foundation on which we have built the global Nokian Tyres team. We offer you a safe place to work and grow as a true pioneer of your craft. From the first winter tire in 1934 to the world's first zero CO2 production facility in 2024 - Safety is a challenge worthy of a brave team. Join Nokian Tyres! Together we make traveling safer, generation after generation!

Publicat 4 Oct. 2024 Reactualizat 6 Oct. 2024 Expiră 3 Nov. 2024
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