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Textul acestui anunț a fost verificat de echipa eJobs pentru a elimina posibile greșeli sau conținut discriminatoriu.

Candidatul Ideal

Iti place sa te lupti cu "FIARELE" ??

Ai testat si stii din experienta ca oricati de "NU" ai primi de la un potential partener, pana la urma cu multa perseverenta si seriozitate se transforma in "DA"?!

In acest caz abia asteptam sa te cunoastem!

​Esti colegul nostru ideal daca:
  • iti place sa vinzi - esti o forta de vanzari :)
  • crezi ca valoarea adaugata adusa de tine in companie este un accelerator pentru bussines
  • esti dispus la deplasari si iti place sa vanezi noi oportunitati , vei avea o zona destul de mare respectiv judetele : TELEORMAN, GIURGIU, BUCURESTI, ILFOV, PRAHOVA, IALOMITA , CALARASI, TULCEA , CONSTANTA.
  • consideri domeniul vanzarilor cu toate aspectele ei FUN (desi cateodata ne vine sa aruncam telefonul pe geam :) );
  • INTEGRITATEA, FAMILIA, SANATATEA SI PARTEA FINANCIARA sunt toate importante dar DOAR in ordinea scrisa anterior :);
  • consideri ca mentalitati sau roluri de tip ANGAJAT - PATRON nu prea mai functioneaza (mai ales in VANZARI);
  • consideri ca SUCCESUL inseamna perseverenta si o doza buna de optimism;

Descrierea jobului

Ce vei face mai exact :
  • vei crea si implementa strategii comerciale avand ca scop atingerea obiectivelor;
  • vei vinde produsele comercializate in cadrul companiei catre sectorul de industrie ,constructii ,agriculutura si multe altele care se intersecteaza cu utilajele de constructii sau agricole
  • vei folosi programe de tip CRM pentru raportarea obiectivelor , rezultatelor si altor informatii cerute de catre management;
  • poti sa intelegi intr-un timp foarte scurt procesele de functionare a unui viitor prospect astfel incat sa emiti o solutie tehnica adaptata nevoilor sale;
Daca toate cele de mai sus ti se par interesante noi te asiguram ca:
  • vei avea colegi super faini;
  • vei dispune de toata infrastructura necesara desfasurarii activitatii (masina , laptop,telefon, bugete etc.);
  • parteneriat financiar corelat cu rezultate;
  • sustinere din partea sefilor;
  • prime de sarbatori , zile de nastere si alte evenimente importante din viata;
  • posibilitati nelimitate de crestere a veniturilor;
Despre noi gasesti mai multe la, dar - sti si tu - doar facand parte din echipa ne vei cunoaste cu adevarat!
Nu trebuie decat sa ne dai un semn sau sa aplici aici, celalalte detalii le stabilim impreuna :)

Descrierea companiei

Arox Equipment - OE spare parts for Heavy Equipment! Founded in 2008, Arox Equipment is the official dealer in Romania for some of the most prestigious global manufacturers of OE parts to heavy-duty sectors such as mining, construction, material handling, energy and natural resources, etc: BERCO, ESCO, CARRARO, DANA SPICER. By supplying OE parts, we keep the equipment running at manufacturer specification and we optimize our clients overall operational costs! Mission, Purpose, Values Our mission is the contribution to the general effort to change business habits and mentalities in Romania, with regard to the importance of the QUALITY factor in supplying products and services that are necessary for the smooth operation of equipment. We believe that quality oriented mentalities along this line will bear directly on the overall results obtained by society in its endeavor of creating modern infrastructures that will foster progress for a better life. Our purpose is to facilitate access to OE maintenance solutions, components and technologies for the equipment owners/users with regard to spare parts, sub-assemblies and attachments that are necessary for the smooth operation of equipment, irrespective of the application. We provide our clients with authentic, OE parts from qualified suppliers of original equipment manufacturers and help them optimize resources, maintain business competitiveness and increase profitability. Our values are human values based on staff enthusiasm, seriousness and professionalism in satisfying the clients best interest and needs. At the same time, permanent improvement of the know-how and level of professional knowledge contributes to the systematic enhancement of our services quality. This in turn, means increased productivity and better overall operational results for our clients.
Publicat 8 Ian. 2025Reactualizat 8 Ian. 2025Expiră 7 Febr. 2025
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