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Working Student CAD

Bosch Group
1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

  • Growth opportunity, joining various team projects, in order to improve your technical skills;
  • Have the opportunity to learn how to work in a multicultural environment;
  • Apply your theoretical knowledge from university in practice, being involved in support activates for production projects;
  • Manage tasks like, data input and data-bases up-dates, production lines drawings in AutoCAD, physical positioning of the production equipment’s in production floor space and different reports about office space allocation;
  • Take part to assigned trainings to enrich your career development skills.

Job Description

  • Undergraduate Student / Master program student, with technical background;
  • Conversational English skills, because you will communicate with our multicultural colleagues;
  • We are looking for a medium level of Microsoft Office (Excel), because you will be responsible to process input data and medium level of AutoCAD because you will draw the production lines;
  • Interest in learning about processes from a manufacturing factory;
  • Show willingness for support and administration of the plant ramp-up;
  • Express initiative for learning about the latest trends in technology;
  • Be able to communicate and collaborate with our colleagues from different departments.

Company Description

For over a decade, the Bosch Cluj Plant has become a strategic hub for innovation and production, making a significant impact on the technological landscape in Romania. Through our constant commitment to excellence in quality and innovation, we develop a diverse range of modern products for the mobility industry, focusing on delivering cutting-edge solutions to our international customers. Inspired by passion for technology, we have consistently evolved, solidifying our position as the most desired employer in Cluj for the engineering and business candidates. We pay special attention to the development of our community, inspiring future generations and governing our impact on the environment.
Our promise to our colleagues is rock-solid: we grow together, we enjoy our work, and inspire each other. Join us and see the difference. Work #LikeABosch

Published Jan 17, 2025Updated Feb 14, 2025Expires Feb 16, 2025
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