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Warehouse super user

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

-Minimum 2 year of experience working with WMS.
- A serious advantage is any IT background.
- Very good knowledge of MS Excel and tools that allow for data analysis.
- Experience in searching and proposing new logistics solutions.
-Ability to analyze and solve problems.
- Cooperative attitude
- Commitment and communication skills
- Very dynamic and proactive personality.
- Very good knowledge of English at the B2 level

Job Description

-Acts as a key user for the WMS of the customer. Manages and maintains the WMS, ensuring optimal performance.
-Analyses the system data to improve warehouse efficiency and productivity.
-Finds solutions and analyses the processes to find how to implement any process changes in the system.
-Resolves any system issues promptly to reduce the downtime.
-Works closely with IT teams of GXO and the customer to implement new system features.
-Communicates with representatives of the customer to deliver the process changes, informs and trains the employees of the changes.
-Acts as internal trainer for each employee in the warehouse that needs to be trained to use the system.
-Assists to WHM, shift leaders and team leaders in reporting, presentation of KPI and other metrics.
-Systematically adjust inventory to resolve WMS vs physical inventory after confirmation from Stock Manager.
-Actively participates, searches for resolution and communicates solutions to WMS incidents.
-Prepares on regular basis reports on the system performance and improvements.

Company Description

La GXO, suntem mandri ca reprezentam o echipa globala ce are talente la fiecare nivel al organizatiei. Ne concentram pe crearea unui loc de munca care sa permita tuturor sa se dezvolte. Avem grija de sanatatea si siguranta angajatilor nostri; diversitatea, respectul si accentul pe colaborare sunt principalele elemente ale modului care ne desfasuram activitatea si ale rezulatelor furnizate.

Oferim salarii competitive, posibilitati de dezvoltare a carierei pentru fiecare membru al echipei, lucrand intr-o companie agila, bazata pe tehnologie.

GXO SUPPLY CHAIN ROMANIA SRL este o companie specializata in activitati de depozitare, transport si distributie

Asteptam sa te alaturi echipei noastre!

Published Dec 27, 2024Updated Jan 24, 2025Expires Jan 26, 2025
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