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Supply Chain Specialist

Mega Image
2 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

It’s necessary that you come up with:
  • Bachelor's degree - preferred;
  • At least 2 years of experience in logistics;
  • Technical knowledge – experience with logistics-specific IT systems, such as WMS (e.g., VBS), SAP, or other warehouse management platforms;
  • Advanced PC skills: Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint;
  • English language – advanced level;
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills;
  • Organizational and planning abilities.

Job Description

These will be your responsibilities:
  • Closely monitoring activities carried out in all departments within the Logistics function to understand the operations being performed;
  • Identifying weak points in current activities (repetitions, lack of synchronization, underperforming tasks, conflicts between different actions), describing them, and proposing solutions for their improvement to present to the Logistics Department leadership;
  • Identifying business needs, discussing and agreeing on them with Business Owners, and communicating them to the DigiTech department;
  • Participating in discussions regarding detailed business requirements and evaluating proposed solutions;
  • Actively collaborating with end users, collecting feedback, and taking action based on solutions validated with Business Owners regarding business needs;
  • Conducting UAT, with the support of Business Analysts from the DigiTech department;
  • Providing support throughout the implementation process by answering questions from development teams;
  • Providing support for the definition of new business process flows before and after changes/implementations, from a user perspective;
  • After the new solutions are agreed upon, modifying working procedures in accordance with the use of the new program and ensuring their application;
  • Delivering training on how to work with the developed solutions to end users;
  • Monitoring post-implementation projects/solutions periodically (every 3/6 months).
You won't be doing this on your own, but with a team that likes working with and for people.

So, put down on the list the advantages of being #mega:
  • Compensation and benefits varied package;
  • Annual performance bonus to reward your work across the year;
  • Discounts for Mega Image Own Brand products;
  • Internal recognition events for all our colleagues;
  • Financial support for special events in your life;
  • Discounts dedicated to book lovers, shopping enthusiasts and to those who want to stay "in shape";
  • Career path and internal mobility.

Company Description

At Mega Image, we support diversity, regardless of gender, generation, education, social status, ethnicity and nationality, disability, religious and sexual orientation, and we are committed to working together to build an inclusive work environment so that every colleague has a place in the #MegaCommunity.


We look forward to seeing you in the #MegaCommunity! Apply for this role, and if your profile fits, we'll invite you for an interview to get to know us.

Published Mar 17, 2025Updated Mar 17, 2025Expires Apr 16, 2025
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