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Specialist achizitii

1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

Studii superioare;
Experienta minim 5 ani in domeniul de achizitii (de preferat sector materii prime mobilier);
Experienta in achizitii internationale, avantaj cunoastere conditii INCOTERMS.
Abilitati de negociere, analiza, sinteza, forecast and planning.
Cunoaşterea limbii engleze nivel avansat;
Abilitati de rezolvare a situatiilor neprevazute, rapiditate, promptitudine.
Persoana dinamica, proactiva, serioasa
Scrisoare de recomandare de la precedent angajator.

Job Description

Intretine relatia de colaborare cu furnizorii existenti, efectueaza comenzi, urmareste termentul de livrare.
Identifica furnizori noi de bunuri si servicii si se asigura de cel mai bun raport calitate – pret.
Imbunatateste conditiile comerciale (pret achizitie, bonus, termen de plata, termen de livrare, mostre gratuite, garantii).
Intocmeste si actualizeaza periodic necesarul de materiale.
Verifica si analizeaza stocurile, transmitand comenzi de rulaj pentru evitarea situatiilor out of stock.
Analizeaza si trimite spre aprobare stocurile de tip slow moving, preturi de vanzare, etc
Colaboreaza si ofera suport pentru departamentele productie, contabilitate, vanzari.
Foloseste sistemele informatice de urmarire comenzi puse la dispozitie.
Tine evidenta facturilor de marfa, transport, servicii asociate in sistem.
Organizeaza transportul pentru achizitii atunci cand este cazul.

Company Description

duo // design is a multidisciplinary company for furniture production and spatial design at its core.

Concept and furniture production are our wrapped features, a vivid junction where we line up wood crafting and metal shaping, all reflected in the right balance and color confidence.

We are inspired by the world around us, but we want to inspire it too.

We ground our work on the most innovative technical solution, skilled workers, latest technologies and equipment for furniture production. We bring out of our workshop, daily, excellent finishing pieces that will wow! you.

We dedicate our expertise to work on finding the right solution for each client. Specialized technicians look for and implement daily the most suitable solution for each product that will bear our trademark on it.

We strive to fulfill each customer’s needs and for this we also provide service of furniture assembly, throughout our qualified carpenters team and with the constant supervision of a dedicated project manager.

Published Jan 31, 2025Updated Jan 31, 2025Expires Mar 2, 2025
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