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Sales Marketing Manager

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Sales Marketing Manager, Bucuresti, Voluntari, Ilfov

Job Description

Develop Strategic Objectives: Create and implement strategic objectives related to sales and marketing functions.
Brand and Corporate Identity: Build initiatives for establishing a brand and corporate identity.
Marketing Plans: Develop marketing plans, such as promotional events and product launches.
Budget Management: Create and maintain sales and marketing budgets.
Market Research: Research the market, understand customer requirements, and analyze trends.
Advertising and PR: Offer expert advice for advertising campaigns and PR activities.
Partnerships: Establish partnerships to increase sales and collaborate with media platforms.
HR Coordination: Coordinate with the HR department to hire and train staff.
Sales Territories and Targets: Assign sales territories and targets to the sales team.
Reporting: Prepare reports and presentations to update management with sales progress.
Client Networking: Network and socialize with important clients to ensure sustained patronage.
New Opportunities: Identify new marketing opportunities.
Industry Trends: Attend business seminars, conferences, and workshops to track industry trends.
Competitor Analysis: Analyze and respond to competitors' strategies and changes in the industry.
Referral Networks: Maximize value from referral networks and business connections.
Performance Evaluation: Evaluate the performance of sales and marketing personnel

Company Description

We are a team of experts in targeting opportunistic real estate investment and development projects in Romania.The group manages a combine of properties and holds an array of affiliate management companies operating in the property sector as well as retail, leisure, residential, farming, industrial and combine projects.
Published Feb 27, 2025Updated Feb 27, 2025Expires Mar 29, 2025
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