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Safety&Security Specialist/ SSM Specialist - global company

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

For a top multinational company, we are recruiting:

Safety&Security Specialist
- top multinational company -

This role is plant/factory based.

Ideal profile

Bachelor Degree in the appropriate field of study;
Previous relevant experience on a similar role;
SSM Inspector certification;
Good communication skills;
MS Office – good level and English skills – good level.

Job Description

Reporting to: Safety Manager

Role Goal

The purpose of the activity is to control the way in which the legislative regulations in force and the rules of ammunition security, employee health protection and emergency situations are applied; the elaboration of own instructions in this regard as well as the provision of general and individual training upon employment and periodicity of factory employees.

Key Responsibilities

The permanent improvement of the company's identity and image on the economic market through the permanent concern for its professional and personal development.

Risk assessment regarding the security and health of employees and the development of a plan and instructions for prevention and protection, depending on the activities carried out;

Ensuring the training of factory employees in the role area;

Elaboration of own instructions for the application of safety and health rules at work, depending on the particularities of the work processes in the organization, the number of employees, the risks of illness and injury;

Verification of the way in which the legislative regulations in force and the norms related to safety and health at work and fire prevention are applied;

Improving the work context for employees in relation to safety and health at work norms, health insurance and fire prevention and extinguishing;

Identify and ensure the preservation of records regarding accidents, dangerous incidents in accordance with the company's internal requirements;

Investigate the causes of the events, draw up the research file and ensure communication with the authorities;

Initiates, verifies and/or recommends preventive and corrective actions for reported incidents;

Ensures support in the optimal performance of activities that pose a major risk to the workers and orders the urgent measures to remove the dangers;

Performs inspections and checks with the frequency required by the legal requirements, the documents in the system, as well as at the request of the direct superior;

Ensures that the safety data sheets for the products are available at the workplace and comply with the related legislation; check if the workers have been trained on the risks and first aid measures provided in the data sheets;

In charge with the correct transmission of data in the reports required by the authorities he collaborates with;

Takes care of the development and distribution of materials necessary for the training of employees and contracting personnel;

It is ensured that during the periods in which he is not present at the location (leaves, travels, etc.), a substitute with competences in the field will be appointed according to the legislation. When making these designations, ensure that records are kept.

Additional info

Motivating salary level will be aligned with the hired candidate's level of experience/expectations. The company offers various benefits, along with long term career opportunities.

Thank you for your interest!

Company Description

People Hunters is a unique recruitment, executive search, consultancy and outplacement company offering ultimate staffing and people management solutions to international and multinational companies. We provide strategical and practical high quality human resources and management consultancy services across a large range of industries all over the world.

We think in terms of solutions and bring the wind of change in your business, career and life. Some might see you as a simple employee or just a number in the usual human resources reports. We see people in their complexity.

If you hate your job or your boss, you want a promotion, a new job, different and challenging tasks, a better salary, an improved life…then we know that it`s the time for a positive change in your career and in your life.

And we`re so fast! We hunt talents for lunch!

Interested in a new career opportunity? Send us your CV!

Published Mar 10, 2025Updated Mar 10, 2025Expires Apr 9, 2025
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