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Reprezentant vanzari

East European Trade SRL
1 position
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Ideal Candidate

RO: ︊︁︀︆︌︈︋︁​︂︆︄︄​︁︁︎︌​︈︂︇︍​︈︆︅️︊︄︈︌︊︎︂︎
Recrutam reprezentant vanzari, preferabil cu experienta si cunostinte in domeniul utilajelor de produs mobilier, cum ar fi circulare, masini de slefuit, masini de aplicat cant, CNC-uri in 3 si 5 axe.

We are recruiting entry to senior level sales representatives specialised in furniture producing machinery, from various types of saws, sanding machines, edge bending machines and CNC's from 3 to 5 axis.

Job Description

Sarcinile includ pastrarea contactului cu clientii existenti, stabilirea de contacte noi pentru o gama de produse prestabilita. Task-urile tale zilnice variaza de la lucru de birou, pregatirea ofertelor, pana la vizite pe teren la existenti si potentiali clienti.

​Iti oferim training in tara si in strainatate si o sansa sa-ti lansezi cariera de specialist.
Daca iti place cum suna, nu ezita sa ne contactezi telefonic sau prin email.

Te asteptam in echipa EET!

Your main responsibilities will consist of maintaining contact with our clients and seek new potential customers for a designated product range. Your daily tasks will vary from office work -preparing offers, to fieldwork -visiting existent and potential customers.

We offer national and international training and a chance to launch your career as a specialist.

If this sounds interesting to you, do not hesitate do give us a call or send us an email!

Company Description

EET East European Trade este o companie româno-germană cu tradiție în comercializarea și mentenanța utilajelor moderne pentru producția de mobilier, instalații de brichetare și peletizare, industria furajeră și scule electrice.

Pentru mai multe informații despre produsele noastre, vizitează-ne la adresa

EET East European Trade Romanian-German company, based in Targu Mures (Romania) established 1993 specialised in wood and chipboard processing machinery for the furniture industry, lines for renewable energy (pellet and briquette) and electrical tools offering complete customer care, from sales support to commissioning and service on demand for international brands.

To find out more about our product range, please visit

Published Jan 28, 2025Updated Jan 28, 2025Expires Feb 4, 2025
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