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Receptionist (Front Office)

1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

ONLY CVS in English are to be accepted​
  • Computer literate, good knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Advanced level of English
  • Very well organised
  • Friendly and positive attitude
  • Good communication skills
  • Previous experience in this role or a similar one is a plus

Job Description

  • Responsible with the fingerprint system by registering new employees and deactivating employees who are no longer part of the company
  • Responsible with weekly inventory of the supplies and stationery
  • Ordering supplies
  • Receive and distribute snacks
  • Building management tickets for malfunctions
  • Tickets for maintenance and repairs for our technician
  • Making sure the cleaning services are performed according to the daily activities list
  • Update the access control register;
  • Responsible with the Visitor card and keeping track of the reason for the visit by registering each visit in the designated Register;
  • Keep the passwords list updated;
  • Receive and properly and promptly distribute all correspondence (invoices, parcels);
  • Preparing courier AWBs, calling the courier to pick up the correspondence;
  • Keep the records of the supplies and stationery, with the mentioning of the persons who took each item, using the Inventory List;
  • Ordering dry- cleaning services;
  • The Receptionist is responsible of the information security and has to keep private (not on sight) every document;
  • Ensure support for the meetings: inform the persons involved, check the room temperature in the conference room, provide water, coffee e.t.c., recover the unused items (water bottles, stationery e.t.c.), require cleaning services after each conference;
  • Provide support for other departments, if needed: making copies, scanning, organising documents e.t.c.

Work schedule is: 09:00- 18:00
Salary: 3000 RON net + 400 RON lunch vouchers

  • medical insurance
  • lunch vouchers
  • gym subscription
  • promotion opportunities
  • fun & creative work environment with various facilities in a fast growing company driven by innovation and modern technologies

Company Description

Ezugi is a live dealer casino platform with multiple subsidiaries in 5 countries, providing real-time services for online gambling operators. The company has been constantly growing for the last 5 years and has subsidiaries in the USA, Costa-Rica, Latvia, Malta, Bulgaria, and Israel.
Ezugi is a company where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence and innovation are rewarded.

Published Jan 8, 2025Updated Feb 7, 2025Expires Feb 7, 2025
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