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Operatori in productie

Cummins Generator Technologies
50 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Angajam lacatus mecanic, sudor, vopsitor, bobinator si montator.
  • Persoana organizata si dinamica, atitudine pozitiva, care doreste sa invete ceva nou
  • Seriozitatea si dorinta de a coopera pe termen lung;
  • Abilitatea de a lucra in schimburi;
  • Dispus sa lucreze in echipa;
  • Respecta normele de siguranta si buna organizare a muncii;
  • Experienta anterioara nu este necesara, sau experienta anterioara minima (Se va oferi instruire profesionala interna);
  • Disponibilitate de a lucra in 3 ture:

07:00 - 15:00

15:00 - 23:00

23:00 - 07:00

Job Description

  • Utilizeaza echipament de protectie personala adecvat;
  • Respecta standardele, politicile, procedurile si reglementarile referitoare la sanatate, mediu si siguranta;
  • Corecteaza pericolele aflate sub controlul si in aria sa de responsabilitatea;
  • Opreste activitatea si raporteaza imediat toate pericolele de accidente majore.

  • Formarea in cadrul unei companii multinationale;
  • Mediu de lucru tanar, dinamic.
  • Salariu fix + bonuri de masa
  • contract de munca permanent

Company Description

Cummins Inc., a global power technology leader, is a corporation of complementary business units that design, engineer, manufacture, distribute and service engines and related technologies, including fuel systems, controls, air handling, filtration, emission solutions, and electrical power generation systems.

Headquartered in Columbus, Indiana, we employ over 77,000 people worldwide and serve customers in approximately 190 countries and territories through a network of more than 600 company-owned and independent distributor locations and approximately 7,400 dealer locations. Cummins had net income of nearly $1 billion and revenues of $20.4 billion in 2017.

Published Nov 27, 2024Updated Dec 11, 2024Expires Dec 27, 2024
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