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Muncitor Necalificat Rafinarie Olanda

EOS Corporation
20 positions
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Ideal Candidate

Pentru unul dintre proiectele noastre cautam muncitori necalificati care sa lucreze in rafinarie in Rotterdam , sa ajute personalul calificat la diverse activitati( legatori de sarcina/rigger, lacatusi tubulatori/pipe fitteri, sudori, lacatusi echipamente rotative)

Se construieste o unitate noua de Bio -Combustibil
Se lucreaza de Luni - Vineri
Cazare la Hotel - camera dubla( 2 in camera) asigurata
Mancarea asigurata
Bilete de avion platite
Transport local asigurat - microbuz sau masina la comun

Engleza la nivel mediu - se lucreaza intr-o echipa multinationala : romani , italieni , indieni , croati
VCA - constituie un avantaj ( firma plateste in Olanda trainingul pentru maxim 2 incercari)
BSN - constituie un avantaj
Experienta anterioara pe o pozitie similara sau in petrol&gaze constituie un avantaj

Job Description

Muncitor Necalificat Rafinarie Olanda, STRAINATATE, OLANDA, 2300 - 2500 EUR

Company Description

Our group has built its reputation by providing high-quality services and solutions for manpower, construction, and logistics. These services are directed towards the improvement of productivity and efficiency for businesses which operate in the fields of energy (including renewable energies), infrastructure and other industrial sectors. Our outsourced packages are tailored to every client’s manpower and logistical needs, enabling them to focus on managing and developing their core business. These packages include staffing solutions, integrated logistics services for personnel, technical & procurement services, and many more.
Published Mar 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Mar 11, 2025
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