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Manager Regional Vanzari

3 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate


Driving license and own car
Willingness to travel
You have the ability to convince.
Ability to communicate with the customer

Job Description

Job Description
Offer for national commercial to carry out the sale of the brand's teamwear, contact distributors, maintain current ones and open new clients, contact with clubs of all sports, minimum commercial experience.

Functions / Tasks / Responsibilities
manage sales, visit clients, customer service, sample presentations, attract new clients...

1. Customer acquisition: Search for new clients and business opportunities.
2. Customer Relationship: Maintain and strengthen relationships with existing customers.
3. Attendance at Trade Fairs: At national level.
4. Sale of Products/Services: Present and sell the company's products or services.
5. Contract Negotiation: Agreeing favourable terms and conditions of sales.
6. Account Management: Manage customer accounts, including tracking orders and payments.
7. Market Analysis: Understanding market trends and customer needs.
8. Target Achievement: Achieve established sales goals.
9. Reporting: Providing information on customer preferences and the market in the CRM.

Company Description

Company Description:
leading company in the sports sector in Spain and one of the main ones in Europe

Published Feb 17, 2025Updated Feb 17, 2025Expires Mar 19, 2025
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