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Field sales representative

1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

Strong driving skills and willingness to do field work (by car) ︁︄︃︎️︉︆︃​︀︆︋︀​︁︁︎︎​︊︁︍︄​︈︎︂︁︅︎️︍︂︆︂︇︁︄︃︎️︉︆︃​︀︆︋︀​︁︁︎︎​︊︁︍︄​︈︎︂︁︅︎️︍︂︆︂︇
- 2 years of experience in sales to retailers of construction material, home improvement centres, hardware stores, agro-pharmacies, etc.

Job Description

- Opening cooperation with new customers: retailers of construction material, home improvement and hardware stores, paint shops, agricultural pharmacies, etc.
- Creating strong sales orders with wide assortment
- Achieving the sales targets through ACTIVE sales to customers – all our customers are already buying similar products from competition. Customers must be convinced to start buying from us and stop buying from existing suppliers.
- Maintaining the business with customers once they are opened and business is established
- Building successful and trustful relations with customers through professional work
- As business develops and pool of customers grow, hire additional salesmen who will take over maintenance of customers, allowing Business Developer to continue to focus on opening new customers

Company Description

We are successful and promising group of companioes with presence in the markets of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania and other Balkans markets, with our renowned, high quality brand PROTECH that covers safety-at-work, hand tools, construction tools, fasteners, hardware, etc.

We, in our company, believe in and nourish the culture of responsibility to our customers as well as to each other in the company.
Our team is characterized by trust, integrity, honesty, openness and desire for constant growth and development. We do business in an ethical, honest and sincere fashion, Whatever we do, we strive to do it better with each new day.
- We hold trust to be foundation of every good relationship
- Dedication to customers but also to co-workers
- Innovation and creativity at every step we make
- Team-work, openness and strong communication
- Diversity of knowledge, experiences and ideas drives us to success
- We constantly lear

More about us at the link:

Published Mar 4, 2025Updated Mar 4, 2025Expires Apr 3, 2025
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