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ERP – Production Consultant

NTT DATA Romania
1 position
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Bachelor’s and Master’s in Engineering
Two or three years experience in a manufacturing department or in a company who provides ERP solution/integrate system
Good knowledge of manufacturing field (planning and scheduling, manufacturing execution, design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities, inventory management, machine maintenance)
As a plus: Know how in utilizing/implementing integrated system for ERP
Good communication skills in English
Hard working and responsible
Availability for working on site at our customers for business analysis, training users, go live projects
Availability to travel 50% of the time​
Driving licence mandatory

Job Description

Clarvision is an ERP product, meant to support all production focused company in Romania, by taking into account the local specific and mainstream problems the companies were facing at that time. It was launched onto the national market at the beginning of 2002 reaching nowadays a number of 200 implementations in over 20 different industry branches.

Clarvision has been designed by NTT DATA Romania in order to help plan the production and pre-calculate costs. This system enables the planning, launch, supervision of the production, as well as the planning of the procurement needs and control of stocks. The processes are integrated with economic functions (procurement, distribution, management) and cost calculation, consequently allowing estimated vs. actual costs comparison. Clarvision ERP facilitates a strategic approach through automation and integrated vision, consultants expertise, permanent and unlimited support, cost and stock cutting and transparency, directly determining increased profitability and controlled complexity. Furthermore, the project provides autonomy through its mobility solutions.

Build a career in consultancy for our own software product Clarvision ERP
Actively participate in the pre-sales process
Take the responsibility of implementing our software product for our new clients, after one year
Take the responsibility of training the users for our clients
Take the responsibility of defining specifications of the new functionalities for our software product Clarvision ERP

Company Description

Credem in vise mari, iar visele NTT DATA au devenit intotdeauna realitate!

Munca noastra este ghidata de valori precum plasarea in primul rand a nevoilor clientior nostri, aplicarea previziunii pentru fiecare angajament si lucrul in echipa. Ne bazam pe viziune, strategie si echipa, crestem impreuna cu increderea ca NTT DATA va naviga pentru o zi de maine mai buna pentru toata lumea.

NTT DATA Romania este unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de solutii si servicii software din tara, avand sediul central în Cluj Napoca, 5 filiale in tara si una la Novi Sad, Serbia si peste 2000 de angajati si colaboratori externi. In prezent deservim peste 210 companii de renume localizate in Romania, Germania, Austria, Elvetia, Finlanda, Norvegia si S.U.A.. Solutiile noastre acopera intregul ciclu de viata al unui serviciu sau produs, incepand cu etapa de analiza, consultanta, dezvoltare, testare, implementare, asigurarea calitatii pana la servicii de training, suport si mentenanta.

La NTT DATA Romania intelegem ca nu va puneti doar bazele unei cariere, ci va creati o viata profesionala de succes. Credem cu tarie ca oamenii sunt sufletul companiei si constientizam ca succesul nostru depinde de oportunitatile pe care le aveti sa cresteti ca oameni si sa va atingeti potentialul. Cu colegi in 40 de tari si colaborand cu clienti din Fortune Global 100, NTT DATA se afla in plina expansiune si va ofera numeroase posibilitati pentru o cariera cu impact.

Alaturi de NTT DATA Romania aveti oportunitatea sa va lasati amprenta intr-o companie care revolutioneaza industria IT. Si nu am reusi sa facem asta fara voi.

Va invitam sa aplicati astazi si sa acceptati provocarea unei cariere exceptionale alaturi de noi! Pentru noi, echilibrul viata personala versus profesionala este foarte important. De aceea NTT DATA Romania a creat Zone de Relaxare, optiunea Home Office si multe alte beneficii pentru un plus de flexibilitate alaturi de echipa noastra formidabila!

Ne-am bucura sa te cunoastem!

Published Jan 28, 2025Updated Jan 28, 2025Expires Feb 27, 2025
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