Ideal Candidate
Daca esti o persoana determinata, care doreste sa se alature unui mediu stabil, atunci pozitia noastra de Electrician poate sa iti atraga atentia.
Cerintele pentru o buna desfasurare a activitatii:
- Studii medii – electrotehinca;
- Certificarea ANRE reprezinta un atuu considerabil;
- Experinta in domeniul productiei pe o pozitie asemanatoare;
- Spirit interactiv in cadrul echipei si gandire logica, tehnica si practica.
Job Description
- Selecteaza si foloseste corect aparatura pentru determinarea curentului, tensiunii si rezistentei electrice;
- Citeste si interpreteaza corect schemele electrice, simbolurile si legile electrice de baza;
- Reface izolatia circuitului si legaturile de impamantare conform normelor tehnice;
- Stabileste traseul instalatiei in functie de cerinte si disponibilitati;
- Monteaza tuburile de protectie, conducatorii si echipamentele si realizeaza conexiunile si izolatiile;
- Executa inspectii periodice si revizii tehnice ale instalatiilor electrice;
- Stabileste necesitatea reparatiei curente si capitale in functie de starea tehnica a instalatiei electrice.
Company Description
Leaders in agribusiness, food and ingredients
Be part of a team dedicated to improving the agribusiness and food production chain. Everyone, everywhere needs nutritious food to lead healthy and productive lives. The global agrifood chain sustains families, societies, economies and nations, and that chain depends on us. We source oilseeds and grains, manage a global logistics network to transport them worldwide, and create value-added food and ingredients for customers and consumers.
Global Mindset, Local Perspective
We're from everywhere, and we're at home everywhere. A global company that relies on our deeply local perspectives, Bunge is the sum of many cultures, languages and backgrounds. Our purpose, vision and operations reach across oceans, encompassing hundreds of facilities, tens of thousands of employees and billions of consumers.