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Deputy chief accountant

KIK Textilien und Non-Food SRL
1 position
Job - pending verification

Ideal Candidate

KiK Textilien is looking for a deputy chief accountant for the financial accounting department at the KiK head office in Bucharest.
  • Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or related field; CPA or equivalent certification preferred;
  • Strong understanding of accounting principles, standards, and regulations (e.g., GAAP, IFRS)
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of accounting and tax;
  • Very good knowledge of English; German is a plus
  • Proficiency in accounting software and PC tools (Word, Excel).

Job Description

  • Financial accounting activities (accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and financial reporting) incl. processing of payment transactions;
  • Maintains relations with the tax authorities; closely monitors the file of debtors and the virtual private space;
  • Manage month-end and year-end closing processes, including financial statement preparation, reconciliation, and analysis.
  • Review and approve journal entries, adjustments, and reconciliations to ensure accuracy and compliance with accounting standards, participation in the preparation of tax returns;
  • Optimization and further development of accounting processes and systems.
  • Secure job in an international company in expansion
  • Attractive compensation package
  • Pleasant working environment
  • 2 days per week work from home

Company Description

KIK Textilien, unul dintre primii zece cei mai mari retaileri din Germania, care detine circa 3.400 de magazine in Europa- dintre care 2.600 de unitati in Germania- este in plina expansiune pe piata din Romania.

Odata cu deschiderea primului magazin Kik din Düsseldorf Gerresheim in 1994 s-au pus bazele uneia dintre cele mai de succes afaceri din comertul german. Succesul Kik Textilien se bazeaza pe dezvoltarea unui nou model de business: textile si produse non-food la pret redus.

Textile de calitate la preturi cat mai convenabile reprezinta principala afacere- 70% din sortiment-, restul fiind completat de produse non-food.

Peste 24.000 angajati in intreaga Europa contribuie la dezvoltarea si succesul economic Kik. Pe termen lung Kik Textilien isi propune sa deschida mai multe magazine in Romania si sa ajunga la un numar de 5.000 de sucursale in Europa.

Published Mar 13, 2025Updated Mar 13, 2025Expires Apr 12, 2025
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