Ideal Candidate
Locatia: Campina, Judetul Prahova
Educatie: Studii medii, profil tehnic
Job Description
- Experienta de minim 2- 4 ani in domeniul calitatii reprezinta un avantaj;
- Dedicare si seriozitate ;
- Orientare spre performanta;
- O atitudine pro-activa;
- Capacitate de invatare ;
Ce iti oferim:
- O echipa dinamica, specializata, cu multa experienta care te va ajuta sa te integrezi;
- Tehnica de ultima generatie;
- instruire la locul de munca
Care sunt atributiile:
- Realizeaza inspectia produselor in conformitate cu cerintele impuse de instructiunile, specificatii si planul de calitate
- Inregistreaza rezultatul inspectiei in fisa de insotire si rapoartele specifice inspectiei
- Efectueaza si inregistreaza inspectia dimensionala si vizuala a pieselor pregatite pentru masuratori din lotul de fabricatie
- Verifica la receptie si accepta materie prima (bara laminata, bara lustruita si mufe)
- Verifica si atesta produsul finit
- Opreste procesul de productie daca constata ce genereaza produse neconforme
Company Description
Tenaris is a leading supplier of tubes and related services for the world’s energy industry and certain other industrial applications. Our mission is to deliver value to our customers through product development, manufacturing excellence, and supply chain management. We seek to minimize risk for our customers and help them reduce costs, increase flexibility and improve time-to-market. Tenaris employees around the world are committed to continuous improvement by sharing knowledge across a single global organization. Tenaris consists of a network of manufacturing facilities, service yards and commercial offices that spans the globe. We provide casing and tubing, line pipe and various other mechanical and structural steel pipes for different applications. At Tenaris, knowledge is considered one of our most important assets. Training is a key element in Tenaris’s effort to attract, retain and develop our people, serve our customers, suppliers and the community. TenarisUniversity is committed to providing training that contributes to the Company’s performance.