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Consultant Vanzari Produse Bancare

Mellon Romania
5 positions
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Ideal Candidate

Ne dorim sa te alaturi echipei noastre de telemarketing!

Ce cautam?
  • O persoana comunicativa, serioasa, perseverenta, cu o atitudine pozitiva si orientata spre cariera, care sa se alature Departamentului dе retentie/loializare clienti.

Job Description

Carе sunt principalеlе activitati din Dеpаrtаmеntul Retеnțiе/Loiаlizаrе Cliеnți?
  • Contactаrеа telefonica a clienților din bаza dе date în vederеа prеzentării noilor ofеrtе și a promoțiilor еxistеntе;
  • Promovarеa prin telefon a pаchetеlor dе sеrvicii cliеnților еxistеnți, în vederea loializării acestora;

Ce beneficii iti oferim?
  • Contract pe perioada nedeterminata;
  • Pachet salarial atractiv alcatuit din parte fixa si tichete de masa;
  • Bonusuri in functie de rezultate;
  • Training platit de companie;
  • Programul este flexibil si poti opta pentru 6 sau 8 ore;
  • Vei lucra in regim HYBRID;
  • Pana la 25 zile concediu de odihna, in functie de vechimea totala in munca;
  • Zi libera platita, cu ocazia Zilei de Nastere
  • Evenimente organizate de companie, cu diverse ocazii;
  • Mediu de lucru motivant in cadrul unei echipe tinere si dinamice;
  • Posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala intr-o companie in continua crestere;
  • Vei face parte dintr-o echipa prietenoasa;
  • Ai sanse reale sa te faci remarcat si sa avansezi in cadrul companiei intr-un timp scurt;
  • Locatie centrala, cu acces usor la toate mijloacele de transport;

Te asteptam!

PS: Iti poti lua si prietenii cu tine :)

Company Description

Mellon Romania, a subsidiary of Mellon Technologies and member of Mellon Group of Companies, was founded in 2001 in Bucharest. Our offering consists of specialized technological solutions and value added services, to serve the increasing needs of financial institutions and organizations with strong consumer transactions business, such as Retail Banks, Public Utilities, Telecommunications Providers and large Private Companies.

Mellon Romania builds on the company's international know how and the leading global market trends, to provide and support locally the best mix of products and services for specific needs of Romania and each market segment. The company employs over 200 specialized staff: its technical support personnel and systems engineers fully support the company's products and services, meeting customer needs for quality of service and increased efficiency; its call centre agents are fully trained and experienced, representing our customers under the strongiest quality standards; the company's sales consultants analyse your needs and offer you the most efficient and cost-effective solutions that will best meet your requirements now and in the future.
Published Feb 6, 2025Updated Feb 11, 2025Expires Mar 8, 2025
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