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Asistent Vanzari Iași Mall Moldova

AC Fashion Retail SRL
2 positions
Job verified

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Ideal Candidate

Asistent Vanzari

- studii medii minime,
- experienta in domeniu obligatoriu

Job Description

-activitati specifice magazinului;
-receptie si gestionarea marfurilor;
-asigurarea si aprovizionarea magazinului cu produse;
-asistarea clientilor in magazin;
-constituie un beneficiu daca stiti limba engleza.

Pachetul de beneficii pentru pozitia de Asistent Vanzari contine:

- salariu + comision;
- 600 lei tichete de masa si bonus individual din vânzări;
- bonus din vanzari;
- prime de sarbatori.

Company Description

AC Fashion Retail SRL owns Altinyildiz Classics brand offering men's businesswear for customer segments B and C.

Strong demand at mass segments for the Altinyldiz brand, has fueled the brand's growth since it's launch in 2011.

Altinyildiz Classics has opened it's first store in Romania in December 2017.And the end of 2018 the company is willing to have several stores and to be one of the top menswear retailer in Romania

Published Feb 14, 2025Updated Mar 3, 2025Expires Mar 16, 2025
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