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Area Sales Manager

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Jobwell, agentie de recrutare, axata pe parteneriate stabile si de lunga durata cu clientii nostri, recruteaza Area Sales Manager pentru unul dintre liderii in solutii integrate de securitate.

Suntem orientati sa aducem o schimbare pozitiva in campul muncii, iar clientii nostri sunt organizatii cu o abordare constructiva, centrata pe valorificarea potentialului uman. Lucram cu oameni, le oferim suport pentru a-si clarifica asteptarile, dezvolta abilitatile si identifica cele mai potrivite oportunitati profesionale din piata muncii.

Ce cautam?
  • Experienta in vanzari B2B in solutii tehnice complexe (securitate, facility management, BMS, automatizari, infrastructura IT, Telecom, inginerie, professional cleaning)
  • Studii superioare tehnice;
  • Networking mediul de business;
  • Cunoasterea limbii engleze la un nivel avansat;
  • Profil de Hunter, orientat catre dezvoltarea businessului si atragerea de noi clienti;
  • Excelente abilitati de comunicare, negociere si relationare;
  • Gandire analitica, critica, cu bune cunostinte ale principiilor financiare;
  • Disponibilitate pentru deplasari + permis de conducere categoria B.

Job Description

Responsabilitatile tale:

  • Genereaza si atrage new business in zona alocata;
  • Account management - supervizeaza implementarea proiectelor si monitorizeaza respectarea standardelor de calitate stabilite de companie;
  • Monitorizeaza respectarea contractelor semnate cu clientii si se asigura de buna functionare a lucrurilor;
  • Prezinta si promoveaza serviciile companiei in randul potentialilor clienti;
  • Promoveaza imaginea companiei in piata si asigura servicii durabile si de calitate;
  • Dezvolta, sustine prezentari ale serviciilor si ofera feedback din piata echipei de Management.


  • Salariu competitiv in functie de experienta, potential si cunostinte;
  • Bonus de performanta stabilit in functie de indicatori ai performantei;
  • Mediu de lucru profesionist cu posibilitati de dezvoltare si crestere;
  • Alte beneficii specifice desfasurarii activitatii.

Asteptam cu interes sa te cunoastem!

Company Description

Jobwell values performance and believes that people work most efficiently when they choose to, not when they are compelled to.

We are committed to driving positive change in recruitment and HR consulting. Our mission is to make the recruitment process simple and effective for both companies and candidates.

Our clients are organizations that support, harness and develop human potential.
Through tailored solutions and a customer-centric approach, we ensure that every recruitment process is conducted with professionalism, leading to choices that contribute to the success and growth of our partners' businesses.

Equally, we focus on candidates, offering them support to clarify their expectations, develop their skills, and identify the best career opportunities.

We believe workplace performance is driven by self-determination, as internal motivation sparks innovative ideas, leading to inspired decisions. These decisions evolve into actionable plans, executed with ambition and tenacity, bringing satisfaction and a desire to grow.

Published Nov 21, 2024Updated Dec 13, 2024Expires Dec 21, 2024
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