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Accounting Manager - Zalau

1 position
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Ideal Candidate

Location: Zalau
Department: Administration & Finance; Reporting

Are you a skilled in financial reporting and administration, as well as a team player? Then we want you on our team!
If you’ve made it this far, it’s clear that you are detail-oriented, have a strong analytical mindset, and are passionate about accounting. You excel at organization, thrive in dynamic environments, and are committed to delivering accurate and insightful financial reporting.

Let us give you a few about us.
We have a pleasant work environment and we strive as a team. We provide continuous feedback and together we establish the right career & development plan for you.
We also reward your implication and results. We care about your well-being, hence why we offer a variety of flexible benefits.

What do we give you in return?
  • Flexible working environment (Short Friday/Late Monday)
  • MyFlexiBenefits - personalized benefits for you and your family members
  • Fixed bonuses for Easter, Christmas, Holiday and Metallurgist Day
  • Performance based salary increase
  • Performance based bonus
  • Transport settlement
  • 24 days annual leave + 1 day for medical analysis

Job Description

​What will you do in your day-to-day job?
  • Provide support to individual legal entities in the process of documenting consolidated information.
  • Coordinate the issuance of monthly and annual financial statements.
  • Supervise that the company economic and financial operations are recorded pursuant to accounting principles.
  • Provide timely and accurate information on accounting records maintaining and proofing entries to ledger accounts.
  • Meet internal and external auditors reporting requirements, providing support to controls.
  • Proactively motivate, coach, communicate with and develop his/her staff and manage HR related activities in line with Human Resources norms and procedures.
  • Manage different analysis on sales, transfer pricing policies, logistic costs, payroll, other analysis at request.
  • Preparing SOX controls.

Company Description

Silcotub SA este cel mai important producător român de țevi fără sudură de diametre mici și, din 2004, este parte a companiei Tenaris - lider mondial în producția și furnizarea de produse tubulare și servicii conexe pentru industria energetică, industria auto, sectorul de petrol și gaze și multe alte aplicații industriale.

Compania este prezentă în 9 orașe din România și operează unități de producție complet integrate, de la elaborarea oțelului în Călărași, la realizarea de produse tubulare cu valoare adăugată mare la Zalău. De asemenea, o fabrică de prăjini de pompare în Câmpina și un centru de servicii în Ploiești completează portofoliul de produse pentru clienții din industria de petrol și gaze.

TenarisSilcotub – companie parte din grupul Tenaris – este cel mai important producător român de țevi fără sudură de diametre mici, utilizate în diverse aplicații din industriile energiei, mecanică și auto. Cu o echipă de peste 1.900 de oameni în România, TenarisSilcotub are unități de producție la Zalău, Călărași și Câmpina. Prin programele de dezvoltare socială, compania investește în educație, sănătate, cultură și protecția mediului.


Tenaris is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of steel pipe products and related services for the world’s energy industry and other industrial applications. Our customers include most of the world’s leading oil and gas companies and our revenues amounted to US $14.9 billion in 2023. Employing around 29,000 people worldwide, we operate an integrated network of steel pipe manufacturing, research, finishing and service facilities with industrial operations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa and a direct presence in most major oil and gas markets.

Published Feb 3, 2025Updated Mar 3, 2025Expires Mar 5, 2025
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