Candidatul Ideal
Descrierea jobului
- Studii superioare, Profil tehnic;
- Experienta min. 3-4 ani pe o pozitie similara intr-o companie cu activitate principala de productie;
- Cunostinte in domeniul mecanicii si procese de fabricatie;
- Experienta in lucrul cu obiective si indicatori de performanta (KPI's);
- Orientare catre rezultate si respectarea termenelor limita;
- Abilităţi bune de organizare, planificare şi control, orientare catre rezultate;
- Abilitatea de a lucra atat individual cat si in echipa;
- Engleza avansat, cunoasterea limbii spaniole reprezinta un avantaj;
- Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook.
- Coordoneaza, indruma si raspunde de intreaga activitate din sectia de montaj;
- Repartizeaza personalul din subordine pe locuri de munca si schimburi, conform cu necesitatile realizarii productiei, folosirii optime a capacitatilor de productie;
- Raspunde de incarcarea cu atributii, a intregului personal din subordine, fiecarui salariat repartizandu-i sarcini conform fisei postului pe care este încadrat;
- Raspunde de indeplinirea planului de productie lunar, gestionand resursele alocate si urmarind incadrarea in termenele stabilite;
- Raspunde de respectarea parametrilor de calitate si cantitate impuse de catre client;
- Alege solutiile tehnice optime pentru realizarea productiei;
- Tichete de masă;
- Transport asigurat;
- Prime de sărbători;
- Primă de concediu de odihnă sau decontarea concediului;
- Abonament de servicii medicale;
- Programe și cursuri de dezvoltare personală și profesională.
Descrierea companiei
ULMA Packaging Production, specialised in the design and production of packaging equipment and services.
With more than 50 years of experience and a team of high qualified professionals, as well as the most advanced design and manufacturing technologies, it offers extensive and innovative solutions in packaging equipment and systems with a main objective: providing additional value to its customers.
The added value. ULMA Packaging Production differentiates itself from the rest of the market by basing itself on solid pillars that sets it apart from the competition.
Not every company is able to undertake and achieve an ambitious challenge as that of expanding internationally. Without a qualified team of people, the technology and know-how acquired from years of experience, and an excellent network of contacts, it is impossible to achieve, as ULMA Packaging Production has done, the challenges of a clearly competitive international setting.
ULMA Packaging Production has a total of 18 subsidiaries in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium, United Kingdom, Australia, Portugal, Rumania, Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey.
Additionally, ULMA Packaging Production has a Distribution Network that covers more than 50 countries in all the continents. As a result, its exports reach practically the entire world.