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Descrierea companiei

NEPI Rockcastle is the premier owner and operator of shopping centres in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), with presence in nine countries and an investment portfolio of €6.8 billion as at 30 June 2023.

The Group benefits from a highly-skilled internal management team which combines asset management, development, investment, leasing and financial expertise. Geographically diverse management skills allow NEPI Rockcastle to pursue CEE property opportunities efficiently, benefiting from a strategic advantage in the acquisition, development and management of properties.

NEPI Rockcastle owns and operates 55 retail properties which attracted 295 million visits in 2022 (244 million visits in 2021). With group-level management of tenant relationships and a focus on cross-country collaboration, the Group is the leading strategic partner for major retailers targeting CEE countries.

The Group’s financial strategy includes maintaining a profile of adequate liquidity, conservative gearing, and a diverse debt structure, which combines secured and unsecured bank debt with unsecured bonds listed on the Irish Stock Exchange. NEPI Rockcastle is investment-grade rated by Standard & Poor’s (BBB, stable outlook) and Fitch (BBB+, stable outlook).

NEPI Rockcastle’s shares are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (“JSE”), Euronext Amsterdam (“Euronext”) and A2X. The Group voluntarily distributes at least 90% of its distributable earnings on a semi-annual basis. 

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